Automated Business Solutions Technology Summit
ABS Technology Summit Returns
Event back after hiatus; dedicated to Co-Founder Alan Albergaria, who passed away in 2020.
For the first time in two years, the Warwick-based Automated Business Solutions will be holding its annual Technology Summit on Wednesday, November 10, from 3:00 pm to 7:00 at the Dunkin Donuts Center in Providence. Those who attend may stay to watch the Providence Bruins Hockey game later that night.
This event will be different for several reasons. The Summit will be held at The Dunk for the first time. Previous Summits were held at McCoy Stadium in Pawtucket. There will be a maximum of 200 guest for this event due to space regulations. Perhaps the biggest difference this time out is the saddest. ABS Co-Founder and President, Alan Albergaria, lost his life on March 27, 2020, when he was struck and killed by a drunk driver while out for a walk. As a result of this tragic loss, proceeds from their raffles and silent auction will benefit Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) in his memory.
ABS Company President Mike Ardry said, “The impact of Alan's loss will be felt for generations. He inspired so many to do their best, to be better, to give back to the community. His generosity was only outweighed by his compassion, caring and desire to see those around him succeed in all aspects of their life.”
The Technology Summit features several of the company's preferred vendors who will display, demonstrate, and share the latest innovations for the office. Guest speakers will also deliver news regarding the industry; including trends and machines hitting the market.
Additionally, there will be chances for guests to win some wonderful prizes. Raffles and door prizes will be available. In the past, big-ticket items including flat-screen televisions, Keurig Coffee Makers, wireless headphones, and iPads have been up for grabs. The Providence Bruins donated team autographed T-shirts, helmets, hockey sticks (including a broken one) and a Carson Kuhlman Game Jersey.
With Automated looking to raise money this year, they will be selling raffle tickets at the door. Tickets are $5 for 1, $10 for 3 and an armful for $20. All proceeds will be donated to benefit MADD, in honor of Albergaria.
The game will feature a pregame ceremony. The P-Bruins will wear uniforms with a patch that is in the shape of a heart with the initials “AA” inside. Other festivities are being planned for that night.
Ardry said their event is fun and informative for those looking to streamline their office solutions into the new year.
“We partner with a diverse group of companies that are able to be on the cutting edge of technology,” he said. “These products and services are done with the small business in mind. People are looking save money and with our knowledge and expertise, we are all able to provide quality service and product for short-term and long-term goals.”
In 1992, Alan Albergaria and Robert Maceroni started Automated Business Solutions with a vision to form a company built on a firm foundation of trust, fairness, and integrity that would offer comprehensive office productivity solutions to businesses of all sizes.
“This is the first event without my business partner, and dear friend who I deeply miss. We take comfort in the fact that the company while as large as it is today, our customers and employees are still like family. I still remember clients from 25 years ago who are still with us today. While Alan is not here to see the continued success of the company, I know he is proud of what we have created almost 30 years ago, and what will continue for years to come,” Robert said.
For over twenty-nine years, Automated Business Solutions has experienced remarkable growth and success. This is a result of the company’s steadfast and unwavering commitment to its original vision.
Their mission is to create long- term partnerships by providing office technology solutions and IT managed services that improve our client’s workflow, efficiency, and profitability.
Their vision is to be New England’s office technology solutions and managed services provider of choice. From the local New England office to the National Fortune 500 company, our business philosophy and services offered reinforce our commitment to our customers, employees, and community at large.
They provide organizations the ability to print, copy, scan, and access information effectively. Sales and Service Professionals work together to provide and support office solutions that maximize your company’s daily workflow and productivity related to document output and network communication. Their corporate office is located on 415 Kilvert St. and they also have offices in Connecticut, South Carolina and throughout Massachusetts.
For more information about the Automated Business Solutions Technology Summit, please contact Director of Administration and Sales Support Jennifer Thomson at: 800-832-2729, extension 135 or by email at: jthomson@absne.com.
Or, click on the following link to register at: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/m?oeidk=a07eid06i9ged4cc428&oseq=&c=&ch=
Automated Business Solutions Technolo...Date and Time
Wednesday Nov 10, 2021
3:00 PM - 7:00 PM ESTNovember 10th at 3pm-7pm
Dunkin Donuts Center, Providence
Free, space is limited. Register here:https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/m?oeidk=a07eid06i9ged4cc428&oseq=&c=&ch=
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