RIBBE Commends Commitment to Education in FY 2025 Budget
June 17, 2024
RIBBE Commends Commitment to Education in FY 2025 Budget
RIBBE recognizes improved investments in career and technical education, multilingual learners, and professional development
PROVIDENCE, RI- Rhode Island Businesses for Better Education (RIBBE) commends the Rhode Island General Assembly for prioritizing education and investing in the development of critical programming that supports long-term success. RIBBE applauds the collaborative efforts of state lawmakers that resulted in a $82 million increase in overall funding for K-12 schools, and will undoubtedly aid schools still recovering from the pandemic.
RIBBE celebrates the General Assembly’s commitment to the following educational investments:
Career and Technical Education (CTE): An over 40 percent boost in categorical funding and the addition of two new full-time equivalent employees (FTEs) at the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) will help support current CTE programs—which serve approximately 20,000 students—and will help to meet initial investment requirements, modernize current offerings, and create new comprehensive programming targeting emerging and growing industries like healthcare and the life sciences.
Multilingual Learners (MLLs): Raising bonus funding for MLLs from 15% to 20% of the per-pupil instructional amount, increasing aid for these students by $14.7 million, will enhance English reading proficiency, and improve economic outcomes for MLL students—who represent about 1 in 8 students in Rhode Island.
Professional Development: A $5 million investment will support math and ELA coaching for teachers and will aid districts with the greatest academic need. The state last set aside funding for professional development in 2009, and it’s essential that lawmakers continue to prioritize the advancement of educators.
While RIBBE recognizes there are notable challenges ahead, we are encouraged by the dedication of state lawmakers to prioritize our educational system. We look forward to working with our partners across the state to develop best practices for maximizing these investments and to continue to improve our K-12 schools.
About RIBBE:
Rhode Island Businesses for Better Education is an alliance of businesses and business organizations committed to taking action that improves Rhode Island’s public K-12 system. Our top priority is ensuring that every student is provided a high-quality education to meet the demands of Rhode Island’s future competitive economy.
The founding associations include Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce, Greater Providence Chamber of Commerce, Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce, Rhode Island Black Business Association, Rhode Island Business Coalition, Rhode Island Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Rhode Island Manufacturers Association, and Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council.
Media Contact (For RIBBE):
Mike Raia, Half Street Group
401.340.9425 I Mike@halfstreetgroup.com