• RIBBE Applauds Increased Funding for Career and Technical Education Proposed in FY 2025 House Budget

    June 6, 2024
    RIBBE Applauds Increased Funding for Career and Technical
    Education Proposed in FY 2025 House Budget
    RIBBE Also Praises Legislators for Additional Investments in Professional Development
    and Multilingual Learners
    PROVIDENCE, RI- Rhode Island Businesses for Better Education (RIBBE) is praising the
    Rhode Island House Finance Committee for supporting the growth and development of Career
    and Technical Education (CTE) in the FY 2025 budget. Through categorical funding and
    additional staffing, career and technical programs will receive the help necessary to meet initial
    investment requirements, modernize current offerings, and create new comprehensive
    programming targeting emerging and growing industries like healthcare and the life sciences.
    The proposed changes to state budget allocations will offset higher-than-average costs
    associated with facilities, equipment maintenance and repair, and supplies necessary for
    sustaining the quality of highly specialized programs that are vital to the development and
    growth of a skilled workforce. The over 40 percent boost in categorical funding will allow young
    people from diverse backgrounds to participate in career and technical learning for the first time.
    Creating the infrastructure to ensure high-quality CTE curriculum is another critical component
    of long-term success, and RIBBE applauds an investment in two new full-time equivalent
    employees (FTEs) at the Rhode Island Department of Education (RIDE) to help to plan, support,
    and monitor RIDE-approved CTE programs.
    “The budget passed by the House Finance Committee is a much needed step in the right
    direction for our students, educators, and collective workforce,” said Dave Chenevert,
    Executive Director of the Rhode Island Manufacturers Association, a founding member of
    RIBBE. “With an ever-changing job market and technical advances, it’s crucial that we provide
    the necessary training and tools to help prepare our young people for lasting, high-paying, and
    rewarding careers.”
    RIBBE also praised the budget soon to be considered by the full House of Representatives for
    increasing the state’s investment in multilingual learners (MLLs). RIBBE backs raising the
    additional amount of per-pupil funding for MLLs from 15% to 20% of the per-pupil instructional
    amount, increasing aid by $7.4 million. Providing funding and support for high-quality,
    research-based services can enhance English reading proficiency, reduce dropout rates,
    increase the chances of attending college, and improve economic outcomes for MLL students.
    Finally, RIBBE applauds the House Finance Committee’s $5 million investment to support
    professional development for educators. This funding, as proposed, would support math and
    ELA coaching for teachers and will be distributed to districts with the greatest academic need.
    We urge both the House and Senate to approve the measures in this proposed budget and will
    continue to work collaboratively to improve Rhode Island’s public education system.
    About RIBBE:
    Rhode Island Businesses for Better Education is an alliance of businesses and business
    organizations committed to taking action that improves Rhode Island’s public K-12 system. Our
    top priority is ensuring that every student is provided a high-quality education to meet the
    demands of Rhode Island’s future competitive economy.
    The founding associations include Greater Newport Chamber of Commerce, Greater
    Providence Chamber of Commerce, Northern Rhode Island Chamber of Commerce,
    Partnership for Rhode Island, Rhode Island Black Business Association, Rhode Island Business
    Coalition, Rhode Island Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Rhode Island Manufacturers
    Association, and Rhode Island Public Expenditure Council
    Media Contact, for RIBBE
    Chelsea DeCesare, Half Street Group
    401.286.9037 | Chelsea@halfstreetgroup.com